Gluterra - gluten-free and healthy

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Gluten-Free and Health Related Articles

A list of Gluterra articles.

Celiac Disease, gluten intolerance and wheat allergies have some similarities and differences. The three are treated in the same way, which is an elimination of a certain food or foods from the diet. However, there are many differences between these three medical conditions. For one, Celiac Disease is an autoimmune disease, while the other gluten intolerance and allergies just involve the immune system. Read more...
Raising Gluten-Free Kids   by Kimberly
Parenting. I don't think most of us realize exactly how much becoming a parent will change every aspect of our lives. Few of us manage to have children, then gently glide back into everything without a ripple. Raising children rearranges our daily schedules, restructures priorities, adjusts how we view the world, and redefines the meaning of responsibility. What once used to be beer and pizza for dinner has morphed into wholesome meals for the family. Read more...
So you're Gluten-free now, a change you're hoping will benefit your health, and possibly reverse any health problems you may be encountering. If you're experiencing anything like I did when I decided to become a vegan (FYI — I'm no longer a vegan), you're learning exactly how your body responds to everything. Sorry, everything does matter. You can't sneak anything past your system. Some of us have more leniency than others, but you cannot trick your body. Read more...
It seems like a lifetime ago when my son, Andrew, was beginning to show the indicators of autism. He was three, and the reality of it all was easily the most emotionally draining experience I've experienced. Something as simple as playing outside turned into hours of obsessing over fans, pinwheels and rituals. Days revolved around Andrew's obsessions, as did my life. My child was locked in a world of rituals and routines, and I was locked in with him. Read more...
New to Gluten free?   by Gluterra
If you are new to Gluten-free living, this page is a good starting point. Gluterra is here to help because we know first hand it can be a maze of decisions and options, especially at first. Once you get the hang of it, you'll be able to navigate the crazy and difficult world of eating gluten-free with only slight bumps in the road. We hope this helps... Here are some of the more important bits of information you need if you are new to gluten free: Read more...
Step 3: Eat only in a 12 hour window every 24 hours This is another simple but not easy idea that will work wonders for you if you have never tried it. Read more...
Step 2: Ditch the Liquid Candy Simple, but not easy. Liquid candy, a.k.a. soda, pop, coke, coca-cola, pepsi, mountain dew, red bull, monster, sweet tea, lemonade, Jack and coke, juicy juice, apple juice (yes, apple juice), and the list goes on and on. Read more...
You know what a muffin top is don't you? Just in case you haven't figured it out, it's the roll of stomach fat that rolls over your belt or waistband, looking much like the top of a muffin. If you have one and have become attached to it, more power to you. If don't like it and want to get rid of it, then it's time to pay attention. Following is the first of 3 simple (I didn't say easy) steps to lose your muffin top. Read more...
Leaky Gut   by Andrew
It sounds awful, and microscopically it is. It's one of the reasons many of us become gluten-intolerant. So just what is leaky gut? Leaky gut is still somewhat of a mystery, but simply put, it's when "something" has created microscopic holes in your digestive tract (stomach, intestines, etc) thereby allowing undigested proteins to enter the bloodstream where they become the enemy. Your body thinks of this undigested matter as a foreign invader and attacks it as such, creating antibodies against this new substance. When that happens, you become allergic to whatever has leaked through your system undigested. Among other items, gluten is one of the more common allergies or sensitivities developed this way. Read more...
Gluten-Free Food List   by Andrew
The problem in giving a definitive gluten-free (GF) list is that gluten-free not only relates to what items contain gluten or not, but also it relates to how an item is processed. Items processed in a facility and on equipment that is shared with gluten-containing foods are not considered GF. With that in mind, here are three lists as a good starting point to learn what foods have gluten and which do not: Read more...
You may be new to the words gluten and gluten-free like I was four years ago, so here's a quick little primer on the terms and some of the issues surrounding them. Read more...