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What kind of symptoms do you have?

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administrator's picture
Joined: 01/08/2013

Please share your experience.

Andrea's picture
Joined: 04/15/2013
What symptoms do you have?

I can answer this question in two ways. One- what symptoms did I have before I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease- I didn't know, but looking back can answer. Let me explain. My father had Refractory Celiac Disease and suffered immensely. His body stopped responding to the gluten free diet. The whole time I had both genes needed to develop the disease and was actually having some symptoms. I guess I was comparing my minor symptoms (gas, bloating, minor iron deficiency, emotional symptoms) with my father's major symptoms (severe malnutrition, diarrhea, anemia, abdominal pain, bloating.. the works) and just thought I was normal. It wasn't until he passed away that I really wanted to know if I could potentially develop this disease. I took all of the blood tests and the genetic tests. Everything was positive. That's it-- it was gluten free from that second on.

Here's my second answer- what symptoms do I have now? I don't have any. I didn't realize that the symptoms I had were related to the gluten I was ingesting. I thought the bloating and gas were normal. (I'm a teacher and it reminds me of the book Everyone Poops.... well everyone farts too, right?) Now I feel great, and I'm amazed that such a dramatic change can take place physically and emotionally by just removing a protein from my body.

When I do accidentally "get glutened" I feel it. It's not fun. Those old symptoms come back and they come back fast and furious. I always have to be on the lookout. I hope that more and more people understand and are sensitive to people's needs out there. Going gluten free isn't a "fad" or a choice for some people. It's how they must live. It can be an extremely painful and emotional experience. I'm very thankful that there is more of a support system, like this community forum, for people to share their stories.