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Which brand of makeup do you use?

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Joined: 01/08/2013

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AmandaenMaui's picture
Joined: 04/24/2013
Re: Which brand of makeup do you use?

I’ll admit to not having been perfect about switching all of my beauty care products to gluten free products immediately. In fact, I waited a few years until I succumbed to buying a new brand. After a very intense reaction to gluten in a food product I decided to change everything. I realized it was time to take the big plunge and switch out my makeup. I’d already switched out my shampoo, but makeup was a big decision. I’d use a major national brand for years, and had loved the results it provided; but, the company wasn’t sensitive to the needs of gluten free consumers. I hadn’t always considered gluten free makeup necessary as I don’t react to gluten upon touching it, but then I considered my lipstick. I lick my lips. Drinks and food cross my lips upon entering my mouth. I might have been consuming gluten for years without realization.

After some internet researching Icame upon a small mineral makeup company called Everyday Minerals ( I was stunned at how lovely I looked in their base powder. It made me look like I didn’t have on any makeup at all, but left me with a flawless complexion. I used their sample kit to determine which color was best for my skin tone, and then made a big purchase. I bought a base, a concealer, a mint color corrector, a blush, and a shimmer powder. Along with my new acquisition came an eye brush, shadow, and bronzer as part of a special. The best part of their line of makeup is that the company is very gluten free friendly.

If it’s important for you, like it is for me, that a company be cruelty free then Everyday Minerals is also right up your alley. They do no animal testing, and their products are 100% vegan. Sustainability, and the use of quality organic ingredients are part of the mission of this Texas based company. Everyday Minerals is constantly innovating, and their products are offered at affordable prices.

It seems that there are new gluten free makeups hitting the market quite frequently, but this is the company I started with and hope to continue to buy from in the future.