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When you first went gluten free, did you detox?

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GFDustin's picture
Joined: 06/28/2013

I'm wondering how everyone began their gluten-free journey. Did you just stop eating gluten altogether or did you go through a detoxification phase during which you cleansed your system?

When I first found out I was gluten intolerant, I stopped eating it to see how much better I would feel. I found out, of course, that I felt way better in many aspects of my life. One was my stomach problems, including heartburn and indigestion. Those two things calmed down very shortly after I began the gluten-free diet.

After I tested my assumptions, I began to do a lot of research. The first thing I tried to figure out was what foods still remained on my plate after I removed gluten. Following the initial feeling of shock that took me over upon finding out how much I had to stop eating, I stumbled upon the idea of detoxing. Before, I had heard of detox programs such as the lemonade detox (also called the Master Cleanse diet, I believe), in which you drink only lemonade for a series of weeks.

I was not too thrilled by the idea of essentially fasting for two weeks, so I kept researching. I read "Crazy Sexy Diet" written by Kris Carr, who was diagnosed with cancer and followed an unconventional path of recovery. In her book, she outlines a detox program in which one fasts for the whole day and eats a small vegetarian meal for dinner. This seemed a bit more reasonable to me. So I started to eat only vegetarian meals for a week or so, and then began the juice fast.

I really didn't notice any breakouts or major detox side effects besides a little fatigue at first. Did you guys have any other experiences with detoxing?

Andrea's picture
Joined: 04/15/2013
Re: When you first went gluten free, did you detox?

I remember going to my GI doctor to confirm my Celiac DIsease. I held the paper in my hand that said I had Celiac DIsease, but I wanted to wait to hear it from his mouth to my ears.

"So, you got the results, huh?" Dr. N said.
"Yeah..." I said nervously. "So I have it...."
"You were right." He replied. "You need to eat gluten free."

--- I haven't mentioned this before... but I think my GI doctor thought I was a little crazy for coming to see him the first time. My father had passed away from Refractory Celiac Sprue complications, and after seeing what he went through, and knowing that Celiac Disease was genetic, I immediately got tested. First, by antibody tests which came back "borderline Celiac." Then had a biopsy which showed no signs of villous atrophy even though I was having mild symptoms, and then genetic testing which showed I had the two genes needed to develop Celiac. After many more blood tests and more doctor visits after eating gluten free, the doctor did see the antibody levels go down, signifying that gluten was definitely the culprit for some destruction in my body. I caught it early, and I'm so glad I did. I could have done some major damage, or ended up like my dad. Sorry... I digress----

"Ugh.... I knew it," I said. "Can't I just have one last hurrah? Like... one last weekend of pizza eating and beer drinking?" (I actually said this.)
"Um..." Dr. N. stammered. "If you really want to... but you shouldn't. You need to follow a strict gluten free diet."

I left the office thinking "just one more weekend." but by the time I got to my car I knew that wasn't happening. I'm such a Type A rule follower that before I got home that afternoon I already stopped at every specialty store to buy everything on the shelves that was gluten free. I even segregated the cabinets and pantry into gluten free sections and "regular" sections so my then husband knew what he could touch and not touch. (I told you, Type A...)

The short answer to your question is, I didn't detox at all. I just started eating gluten free, and stopped eating and drinking foods that contained gluten immediately. I'd say within 2 weeks I noticed a difference. I don't think I realized how destructive gluten was for my body. I was feeling so much better-- had more energy, was feeling better emotionally, and obviously, the GI tract was "on track." I didn't think about any kind of detox, but if I had known about a detox I think I still would have preferred the slow method of just eliminating the gluten from my body.

On another note, I have been thinking about detox for other reasons-- not to clear out gluten from my system... but just to try detox as a "start over" kind of thing. I do eat healthy but there are some weekends, especially in the summer, where I'd like to forget about what I ate, even though it was gluten free! I'm like to know more about some detox programs.